Brighton City Council approves body cams for city police

BRIGHTON — Officers with the Brighton Police Department will receive body cameras after city council approved a resolution Tuesday, Aug. 27.

In a report to the council, City Manager Gretchen Gomolka said the department has considered cameras for all sworn officers for several years.

There are in-car cameras installed in all patrol vehicles and the body cameras will be purchased from the same brand, Safe Fleet, to ensure the cameras are compatible.

“In today’s climate of policing, body cameras are another essential tool to enhance investigations, reduce citizen complaint investigation time, reduce potential risk and liability for the city and the officer, and continue to hold officers accountable during interactions with the public,” Gomolka wrote in the report.

According to the report, two other brands were considered but were not chosen because of cost, incompatibility with current systems and the need to purchase additional equipment.

The Safe Fleet cameras are compatible with the current system, use cloud-based storage, can transfer video to the Livingston County Prosecutor’s Office and are compliant with Criminal Justice Information Services and Federal Information Processing Standards. The contract with Safe Fleet also includes a three-day, on-site training for staff.

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