Right-wing ‘Freedom Caucus’ launches at Oklahoma Capitol

Sen. Shane Jett, R-Shawnee, speaks at a press conference at the state Capitol launching the Oklahoma Freedom Caucus on Tuesday. He will serve as chair of the caucus. Oklahoma lawmakers stand behind Jett in support of the caucus. (Photo by Emma Murphy/Oklahoma Voice)

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma’s Legislature became the newest member of a national network of conservative lawmakers on Tuesday with the launch of the latest Freedom Caucus chapter.

The State Freedom Caucus Network is a right-wing national organization with an official presence in 12 state legislatures. The network builds off of the House Freedom Caucus in Congress. The caucuses are known for creating disruption, stalling legislative action and garnering publicity and attention.

Members of Oklahoma’s caucus include Sen. Shane Jett, R-Shawnee, who will serve as chairman, Sen. Dusty Deevers, R-Elgin, and Rep. Jim Olsen, R-Roland. Deevers will serve as the Senate vice chair and Olsen as the House vice chair.

Jett declined to disclose the names of other caucus members beyond those present at the press conference on the steps of the state Capitol. He said Freedom Caucus-affiliated lawmakers in other states have faced punitive measures.

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