Garlic and Herb Butter Steak Recipe: Easy and Delicious!

I made some homemade garlic and herb butter tonight to put on my steaks and it was so delicious. It was really simple to make and so I decided I would share the recipe with you. You will need the following ingredients:


3 – 4 good quality steaks

1 clove of garlic

4 tablespoons of butter

1/2 teaspoon of dried parsley

salt and pepper to taste

Garlic and Herb Butter SteaksPhoto bySheree

Grate the butter and the garlic and add the parsley. You can add whatever herbs you enjoy.

Garlic and Herb Butter SteaksPhoto bySheree

Using a spoon or your hands make this into a tight ball and then wrap this mixture tightly together using plastic wrap or wax papper, and place it into the freezer at least 30 minutes before you are going to use it. Tip: Use a good quality of butter to make this.

Garlic and Herb Butter SteakPhoto bySheree

Trim and lay the steaks out about 15 – 20 minutes before you are going to grill them to get the chill off of them. Salt and pepper both sides.

Garlic and Herb Butter SteaksPhoto bySheree

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