Antioch has become a hub for illegal marijuana grow operations, state officials say

Antioch becomes hotbed for illegal marijuana grows, officials say 03:39

California’s Department of Cannabis Control recently announced they have uncovered more illegal pot grows in Antioch than anywhere else in the state except Los Angeles.

The suburban, tree-lined streets in the newer neighborhoods in Antioch don’t seem like the place where you’d find an illegal marijuana grow house. For the most part, it’s nothing but a sea of cookie-cutter homes, all part of planned communities.

According to experts, that’s exactly why criminals are setting up their illegal grows inside homes.

“This is pretty much my man cave right here,” said Roderick Thomas as he gestured around his garage.

It’s where loves to tinker on projects and also keep a watchful eye on the neighborhood. That’s why he was so surprised to see three houses on his street still had power during a blackout a few years ago.

“Every house on the block would be dark except those three. So it was my intentions of going down there and talking to them and trying to figure out what did they have to keep the lights on because I was interested,” said Thomas. He said he tried to watch for people to come home, but rarely ever saw anyone.

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