Watch: CMZoo welcomes surprise baby hoglet

(COLORADO SPRINGS) — The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo (CMZoo) announced on Wednesday, Sept. 4 it has a new — surprise! — addition to its family.

Finn and Gus had been seen breeding but keepers were not certain a baby was on the way. In the early hours of Thursday, Aug. 29, keepers were greeted by a brand-new baby Red River Hog.


“It may seem strange to some, but Red River hog babies are some of the cutest in the whole animal kingdom with their striped markings, tiny statures, and energetic behaviors,” Amy Tuchman, Senior Keeper in African Rift Valley says. “Little one and mom seem to be doing great. We’re seeing a lot of nursing, napping, and activity from the baby. It likes to climb over Finn’s face, and we’ve seen it jumping and running when it gets little bursts of energy. Finn is really sweet and patient with it.”

Hoglets are often described as having a watermelon pattern when they are born. Just like adults, hoglets have the signature bright orange coats, but the babies also have brown and white stripes that run the length of their bodies, along with little brown and white spots all over.

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