Crime rates: Homicides down, but Fayetteville police see an uptick in these crimes

Homicides and violent crimes decreased in Fayetteville for the first half of 2024 over last year, but police saw an uptick in car thefts, Police Chief Kemberle Braden told City Council members last week.

The chief presented the council with the city’s second quarter crime statistics, which showed data from January through June, during their Aug. 26 meeting.

Homicides have decreased by 57.14%, compared to the same time last year, Braden said.

“Last year, we talked about all the things we want to do to influence the violent crime within our city,” the chief said.

Fayetteville saw a record number of homicides, with 52 at the end of 2023, he said.

As of the end of June this year, there were 12 homicide investigations in Fayetteville, compared to 28 cases claiming 30 victims by the end of the third quarter in 2023, Braden said.

What else is decreasing?

Overdoses decreased about 40%, with 20 during the second quarter in 2023 and 12 through June

Suicides decreased, with 21 in the second quarter last year and 18 during the same period through June this year.

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