Springs Rescue Mission transforms former troubled motel

(COLORADO SPRINGS) — It’s been the source of questionable activity in the past, now the Springs Rescue Mission is transforming the 4-U Motel at the intersection of Las Vegas and Nevada into a source of hope for the community.

“We’re excited to be here today to take a property at the corner of Nevada that has been a symbol of blight and turn it into a beacon of hope for this community for individuals transitioning out of homelessness,” said Travis Williams with the Springs Rescue Mission.

The motel will soon become transitional housing, a secondary step out of homelessness for those utilizing the services provided by the Springs Rescue Mission. “We have individuals, men and women and elderly individuals, who have gone through intensive programming at Springs Rescue Mission and they are ready to launch in this community. But, affordable housing is a challenge, and so to give folks that next step out of homelessness in this journey, that’s what this project is about.”

Costa Raptis is the general contractor on the project and this is his third with the Springs Rescue Mission. “After working with Springs Rescue Mission for some time,” Raptis said, “I recognize this project would have a lot of impact. Being a Colorado Springs native, seeing this corner, a lot of us have seen this corner for many years, so, I  jumped at the opportunity to help out.”

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