Degree programs approved, deleted by Oklahoma higher education officials

Chancellor Allison Garrett speaks at a meeting of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education in Oklahoma City on June 27. (Photo by Emma Murphy/Oklahoma Voice)

OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma’s State Regents for Higher Education on Thursday approved nine proposed degree programs, declined to approve one and deleted four.

The State Regents approved degree programs for Oklahoma State University, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Connors State College and Redlands Community College.

A proposed degree program at Southeastern Oklahoma State University was denied and four graduate degree programs were deleted from the curriculum at University of Oklahoma.

All the newly approved programs must demonstrate adequate student demand by a deadline, varying from 2026 to 2031 depending on the program, to continue.

Oklahoma State University will offer three new Bachelor degree programs and one new Doctorate program.

Students will be offered a new Doctor of Philosophy in Learning, Design and Technology program. The other new programs include Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Real Estate and Property Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in Accounting Systems, and Bachelor of Professional Studies in Entertainment Media.

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