Everything Mike Norvell said on Thursday about practice, the loss to BC, working to get better, and leaders

“Thought today was a good work day. We kind of went back to a little bit of a training camp type practice, very limited scout work. Just wanted to really focus on us, had extended individual time. Did get some little bit more team, good ones versus ones, twos versus twos. Still trying to get some developmental time for younger guys. Had a big practice when it came to that yesterday. I thought some of the younger guys really did a nice job in their approach, working to get better there with yesterday’s practice. The older guys got out and we’ve got decent amount of work, but the work that we needed there with today. I thought it was good. We got some situations, some third downs, trying to force just the finer details, communication, trying to get that speed, and just overall improvement. That was kind of our focus on today. Guys will get a few days here this weekend to kind of rest up. We’ve had a very interesting first couple weeks of just calendar, schedule, all those things. So we’ll get on a normal track here these next few weeks. Be able to come back and start on Sunday and have everybody ready to roll for this next week, but I thought it was productive. Had a lot of good conversations. Continuing to evaluate all aspects of what we’re doing just to help make sure that next time we step on the field that we are able to go play our best and put that on display.”

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