Spokane YWCA accepting nominations for 2025 Women of Achievement Award

SPOKANE, Wash. — The Spokane YWCA is currently accepting nominations for the 2025 Women of Achievement Award.

For the past 40 years, YWCA has highlighted women in the community for their achievements and commitment to the Y’s mission of empowering women and eliminating racism.

One mother-daughter duo who won the award share a passion for bettering their community and speaking up for those who cannot.

“Always feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, as they would say, and so it doesn’t surprise me that all of my children do exactly that,” said Stephy Nobles-Beans, 2014 WOA Honoree.

Nobles-Beans won the award for her work helping survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence find transitional housing at “Field of Diamonds, House of Blessings.”

Ten years later, her daughter, Stephaine Courtney, won the same award.

“I was more than honored. I was a proud mama,” said Nobles-Beans.

Courtney is the Executive Director of the Shades of Motherhood Network, which works to ensure every Black mother and Mother of Color has a high-quality, culturally relevant childbirth experience.

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