Nurses union claims Kapiʻolaniʻs threat is reckless, illegal

HONOLULU (KHON2) — Nurses at Kapiʻolani Medical Center still intend to strike on Friday after another unsuccessful day at the bargaining table with hospital administration.

The union that represents the nurses said the hospitalʻs threat to lock them out is reckless and illegal.

“I would say there was probably no progress. We just kept going over the same issues that weʻve been going over and theyʻre refusing to budge,” Kapiʻolaniʻs chief steward, Paulette Vasu, RN told KHON2.

After almost a year of negotiations HNA, who represents roughly 600 nurses at the hospital, and Kapiʻolani officials have been unable to come to an agreement.

Nurses walked off the job for a week in January and announced their intent to strike again for one day, Sept. 13, claiming unfair labor practices.

“The problem is we write out unsafe staffing forms and then we get pulled into managementʻs office and we feel like weʻre being harassed and we feel like we should be able to put these out because itʻs for patient safety,” Vasu said.

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