‘Tremendous blessing’: Bethesda-by-the-Sea raises more than $25K to repair koi pond

When a mid-July equipment failure led to the death of Bethesda-by-the-Sea’s largest koi fishes, the Episcopalian church turned to its parishioners for aid in funding the unexpected repairs.

Parishioners answered in an extraordinary way.

“Within 12 hours, we had more than half of what we had asked for already raised,” parish administrator Joseph Sanelli told the Daily News.

Hidden behind the main body of the Gothic-style church, the Cluett Memorial Garden’s lush greenery and two koi fish ponds long has served as a peaceful respite for countless parishioners and visitors. However, during the week of July 15, the aeration pump feeding fresh water to the upper pond broke, leading to the death of the church’s three largest koi.

Having already cemented this year’s budget, Sanelli said the church’s rector, the Rev. Tim Schenck, published a newsletter July 20, detailing the situation and inviting parishioners to donate to a koi pond repair fund.

Before the week’s end, Sanelli said, the Episcopalian church on the corner of Barton Avenue and South County Road had already surpassed its goal of raising $25,000. “That was just a tremendous blessing,” he said.

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