Decade of Hope: S.A.L.T. hosts 10th annual Stomp Out Suicide Walk

The 10th annual Stomp Out Suicide walk by Save a Life Today at The Park at River Walk saw a significant turnout, highlighting the community’s dedication to suicide prevention.

  • Save a Life Today (S.A.L.T.) held its 10th annual Stomp Out Suicide walk at The Park at River Walk to raise awareness for suicide prevention.
  • Ellen Eggert, founder of S.A.L.T., emphasized the importance of becoming suicide-aware and encouraged people to reach out for help if they or someone they know is struggling.
  • Justina Howell will host a Suicide Prevention Awareness and Resource Fair at Rails to Trails in Taft on Saturday, September 28th, starting at 7:30 a.m.

Officials from Save a Life Today (S.A.L.T.) are calling it a “Decade of Hope.” On Saturday, at The Park at River Walk, hundreds gathered to raise awareness for suicide prevention.
“We need to all become suicide aware and stop thinking it won’t happen to people we care about,” says Ellen Eggert.

Ellen Eggert, founder of S.A.L.T., hopes the 10th annual Stomp Out Suicide walk serves as a reminder that it’s okay to reach out for help if someone is struggling with suicidal thoughts.

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