Anchorage school enrollment falls, but at least one city leader is in denial about population collapse

The number of students enrolled in Anchorage School District schools has decreased, according to the district’s updated enrollment figures as of Sept. 5. That includes correspondence school students who don’t use school buildings.

Superintendent Jharrett Bryantt announced in April that it’s past time to close some campuses and consolidate, as the working-age population of the city has declined by more than 17,000 residents, or 8.5% over the last decade, and the student enrollment has declined by nearly 10%. He said in the spring that he would gather community input and that decisions would have to be made this fall.

In 2002, 50,055 students attended Anchorage public schools. By 2010, the district had just under 50,000 students. Last year during the official count released in October, the enrollment had fallen to about 43,370 students.

So far this year, the shrinkage appears to be continuing at to 42,353, with a further drop to 37,000 predicted by 2027.

This year’s enrollment number will not be official until October’s annual formal count.

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