Newport Police Captain Todd Silvia Retires After Nearly 30 Years of Service

Captain Todd Silvia, a cornerstone of the Newport Police Department, has retired after a distinguished 29-year and 5-month career. His departure marks the end of an era for the department and the city he served with unwavering dedication.

Captain Silvia, who began his tenure with the Newport Police Department in July 1995, was a graduate of the Police Academy in June of the same year. From the outset, he immersed himself fully in every aspect of policing, serving across all shifts and neighborhoods. In 1996, he joined the Special Response Team (SRT), where his leadership and expertise soon elevated him to a supervisory role.

In October 2004, Silvia transitioned to the role of Detective, where he conducted critical investigations until his promotion to Sergeant in March 2005. As a street supervisor, he played an instrumental role in mentoring new officers and managing various patrol divisions over a six-year period.

April 2012 saw Silvia advance to the rank of Lieutenant, with his responsibilities shifting to the prosecution unit within the Criminal Investigation Division. His commitment to professional development was further demonstrated by his attendance at the FBI’s National Academy in Virginia in October 2015. By 2016, he had taken command of the Patrol Division, and his promotion to Captain soon followed. In November 2022, he assumed command of the Criminal Investigation Division, a role he held until his retirement.

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