Ohio mom charged $1,000 for a Subway sandwich due to mistake: “Unless it’s wrapped in gold…”

Ohio mom charged $1,000 for a Subway sandwich due to mistake: "Unless it's wrapped in gold…"

A woman who was overcharged for her Subway order had to make sacrifices to get a refund from the company. Social worker Letitia Bishop ordered three sandwiches from a Subway at a gas station in Columbia in January. She had to shell out a whopping $1,021 for them, according to the receipt reviewed by local news outlet WSYX . The mother of two had to fight for months to get her refund while battling a personal financial crisis. While she eventually got the refund, it took way more than it should have.

Bishop told WSYX that she stopped by the Thornton gas station on Winchester Pike to grab a quick bite for her and her family. However, as she walked into the fast food restaurant, she wasn’t expecting to pay over a thousand dollars for just one sub. “There’s no way, unless it’s wrapped in gold or from some other place. I would never pay $1,010 for a Subway sandwich,” Bishop told WSYX. As she paid for the order with her debit card, she had no option but to request the company for a refund on the high charge.

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