Washington State Glitters: #2 US Gold Hotspot to Strike It Rich

If you want to get rich with gold, you just might live in the perfect place!. Gold Rush: Washington State Shines as a Top Destination for Prospectors. Turns out that Washington State is a great place to get lucky if you just look down. A recent analysis by SD Bullion named the top states across America where aspiring gold seekers are most likely to strike it rich. California came in at the top spot with an impressive 66.59 gold locations per 1,000 square miles, reinforcing its nickname as “The Golden State”. Surprisingly close behind, was Washington State which claimed the second spot with 34.17 gold locations per 1,000 square miles. Oregon, the west coast state separating the top 2, rounded out the podium with 31.41 locations per 1,000 square miles.

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