New Texas Law: Fentanyl Dealers Face Murder Charges

Fentanyl’s impact on Houston’s community throughout the Harris, County Texas region has been deadly to its core, reflecting a similar trend nationwide. According to state health data, in 2022, Houston has the highest statistics for fentanyl-related deaths.

Fentanyl dealers roaming the streets of Houston must beware that a new state law allows prosecutors to charge them with homicide if a death occurs as a result of the pusher selling fentanyl to someone who dies.

Many users are unaware that the drugs they are purchasing, often marketed as heroin or prescription pills contain fentanyl which can result in sudden and lethal overdose.

The new law has significant implications. First, a person can be charged with murder if they knowingly distribute or manufacture fentanyl, and the user dies as a result of using it. The law states that the seller does not have to kill the person intentionally to be found guilty.

Texas House Bill 6 has also increased the prison sentences for those involved in the production or distribution of fentanyl. Offenders arrested with less than one gram could face two to ten years in prison. Those found guilty of manufacturing or delivering more than 400 grams of fentanyl will face a minimum sentence of 15 years imprisonment, and up to life for possessing over 400 grams.

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