Report shows Arkansans in the top 10 for spending the most on casino gambling

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – A recent report shows being in the Land of Opportunity has led many Arkansans to try their luck at betting.

Casino news site Casino Reports analyzed the American Gaming Association’s annual State of the States report for 2024 to show Arkansas is sixth in the nation for per-capita gambling spending. Compared to the average American spending $56.51 yearly at casinos, the study shows an Arkansas average of $102.86 per resident, which is 82% above the national average.

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Adam Small, founder of Casino Reports , said the findings reflect the differences in gambling nationwide.

“Rhode Island stands out, with people there spending more than seven times the national average, while Delaware follows with almost four times the national average spend per person,” Small said. “This points to different levels of casino activity across the country, with some states seeing a lot more gambling than others.”

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