Men’s and women’s professional soccer teams could come to Modesto, plus a new stadium

The Modesto City Council is expected Tuesday to approve a letter of intent that formalizes negotiations between the city and the United Soccer League to bring both men’s and women’s professional teams here and build a multipurpose stadium seating at least 5,000 spectators.

Modesto and the United Soccer League already have been engaged in talks, according to a city report. The letter of intent spells out the scope of the talks and establishes a one-year exclusive negotiating period.

The talks will include potential sites and designs for a stadium, how it will be financed (including public and private funding), who will own and manage it, and development surrounding the stadium, such as affordable and market-rate housing, stores, restaurants and hotels.

The Tampa, Fla.-based United Soccer League operates several leagues throughout the United States and has teams in such cities as San Antonio, Detroit and Sacramento.

Venue also for concerts, festivals

The letter of intent does not obligate Modesto and the United Soccer League to do anything other than talk. The reality of professional soccer at a new multipurpose stadium would require many additional steps and City Council approvals.

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