Richmond residents are encouraged to plan for emergencies during National Preparedness Month

WRIC 8 News reported that in honor of National Preparedness Month, Richmond and Henrico Health Districts encourage residents to plan for emergencies.

Ed Porner, Richmond and Henrico Health District’s emergency preparedness and response coordinator, provided some tips to help residents get and stay prepared.

Gather important documents

Emergencies can happen unexpectedly and without warning. Hurricanes and storms may allow time to gather things together, but fires, floods, and other disasters could give only seconds to get to safety. Gather important documents like birth certificates, citizenship papers, or backup medical prescriptions and place them in a secure location close to an exit, preferably in a fireproof box.

Prepare household

Prepare your entire household, including children, for emergencies. Keeping an emergency kit with comfort items for kids and older adults should be an important part of being prepared.

Discussions should include procedures for reuniting if separated, trusted people to be called, and how to access emergency services.

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