The Giving Project: Providing Tucson students home libraries to grow with them

This month’s Giving Project campaign is well underway, and we’re still looking for your help to raise enough money for each student at the Amphi District’s Nash Elementary School to take home ten free books.

For the third year in a row, our If You Give a Child a Book fundraisers is helping make sure the students at this Title I School have a home library that grows with them. KGUN 9
“Everybody gets books,” said Jessica Jarrett, principal at Nash Elementary. “And it’s magical.”

Jessica Jarrett is the principal at Nash Elementary on the northside. She sees the reaction her students have when they discover their love for reading.

“All of our families absolutely value education and literacy.,” Jarrett shared with me.

A Title I School, some of her students come from homes where parents are struggling to make ends meet.

“To be able to have the luxury of books is not something that everyone has the opportunity to afford,” said Jarrett

KGUN 9’s If You Give A Child A Book campaign helps every student at Nash build a home library of their own. Last year, we were able to provide eight free books for every student at Nash.

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