Oklahoma ‘psychopath’ teen facing charges for killing his mother one year after shooting dad dead

An Oklahoma teen is facing charges for killing his mother after charges were dropped in his father’s murder.

Collin Griffith, 17, was arrested Wednesday for stabbing his mother Catherine to death in his grandmother’s Florida home on Sept. 8. He is charged with first degree murder .

As police investigated Catherine’s death, they uncovered a shocking revelation. The teen had murder his father just the year before.

Polk County, Florida, Sheriff Grady Judd said during a news conference: “As we begin to pull back the layers of this onion, we find out that this is not just a singular event.”

In February of last year, he shot his father Charles outside their home in Stroud, Oklahoma. Collin said at the time that his dad pulled a knife on him, so he shot him once in the chest and once in the head.

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