Colorado Springs woman turns medical nightmare into thriving candy business

(COLORADO SPRINGS) — A Colorado Springs woman has turned a medical nightmare into a thriving candy business.

Nearly every Saturday at the Black Forest Market, you’ll find Mekayla Booysen under a purple tent selling sugar-dipped fruits. “It’s inspired by a traditional Chinese food called ‘tanghulu’, and that means fruit in a candied crunch coating,” Booysen said describing her company, Sugar Mama’s , sweet treats.

The sweet treat gained Booysen a social media following, but her business was born out of necessity. Sugar Mama’s came to life after a scooter crash two years ago. “I lost all of my front teeth. I had no money- just a bunch of bills coming in. I had no job at that point, I couldn’t work… That’s when this started… I couldn’t see myself asking for help. I had to do it myself.”

For two years, Booysen did business wearing a mask- missing her front teeth. “I had to learn my confidence to learn that this doesn’t matter and I had to find my confidence within.”

Today, with her medical needs met and with a thriving business- life is much different.

“Because of the accident, it made me learn that your life can change so quickly… I’m just seeing where life can take me next.”

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