Key AT&T insider to testify about alleged scheme to pay off Madigan associate

A former internal lobbyist for AT&T Illinois is scheduled to testify Thursday about an alleged arrangement to secretly pay thousands of dollars to an ally of House Speaker Michael Madigan for a do-nothing contract to win the powerful speaker’s support for the company’s legislative goals.

Stephen Selcke, who served in state positions in both Republican and Democratic administrations before becoming an AT&T lobbyist, was granted immunity from federal prosecutors in exchange for testimony against his former boss, Paul La Schiazza.

La Schiazza, 66, was charged in an indictment returned by a federal grand jury in October 2022 with conspiracy, federal program bribery and using a facility in interstate commerce to promote unlawful activity. The most serious counts carry up to 20 years in prison if convicted. He has pleaded not guilty and been free on bond while his case is pending.

The trial, which is expected to last up to four weeks, is offering a sneak peek at some of the evidence that will be presented at the racketeering trial of Madigan and his longtime confidant, Michael McClain, which kicks off next month.

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