Online rumors swirl after discovery of body in San Antonio sewage tank

After a body was found floating in a San Antonio sewage tank Saturday, online speculation has tried to link the discovery to a separate corpse found in Corpus Christi — and blame both deaths on a serial killer.

Law enforcement officials in San Antonio and Corpus Christi have said there’s no evidence of foul play in either death, much less a connection between the cases. Even so, the rumor mill has taken off, reminiscent of speculation around Austin’s ”

Rainey Street Ripper

,” who internet sleuths say is responsible for a number of bodies discovered in and around Lady Bird Lake.

In the most recent incident, a San Antonio Water System worker discovered a body floating face down in a diversion tank at the Leon Creek Water Recycling Facility around 8 a.m. Saturday. The San Antonio Police Department and the San Antonio Fire Department’s Hazmat Unit responded to retrieve the corpse.

TV station KENS5

broke the news

, revealing that workers also discovered a backpack in a connecting tank containing credit cards and two cell phones. Though authorities haven’t publicly released the name of unidentified white male, police ran the name on the credit cards through a Missing Persons database and matched it to a man reported missing.

Story continues