Xcel Energy Day of Service volunteers power veterans housing project

Colorado Day of Service volunteers power veterans housing project 01:56

For 13 years, Xcel Energy has hosted a statewide Day of Service and invited the entire Colorado community to volunteer at pre-arranged service projects. Xcel sets up about 40 projects across the state, including one at the Veterans Community Project in Longmont.

“We rely so heavily on volunteers,” said Jennifer Seybold, Executive Producer at Veterans Community Project.

Volunteers are building a tiny home community for Veterans Community Project . When it’s done, there will be 26 homes: 21 individual and 5 family.  It takes about 825 volunteer hours to build one home. Veterans Community Project has six of them up and running so far.

“It really has everything that one person would need,” Seybold explained has she showed CBS New Colorado one of the tiny homes.

In 240 square feet there is a full kitchen and a full bath along with some living space. Each home is designed to be a respite.

“Even the colors and the insulation.. the thickness of the insulation is designed to provide a space that is quiet, healing, gives people that room they need to have their privacy and personal dignity,” Seybold said.

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