VPD to step up presence on U.S. 41 Bypass

VENICE — The Venice Police Department is embarking on a campaign of enhanced traffic enforcement on U.S. 41 Bypass between East Venice Avenue and Bird Bay Drive.

The goal is to “help curb distracted driving and promote safer roads,” a city news release says.

The VPD received funding from the University of North Florida Institute of Police Technology and Management and the Florida Department of Transportation for the program, which runs through February.

VPD patrol vehicles, variable message boards or radar speed signs will be present in the enforcement zone between 11 a.m. and 11 p.m. each day, the release says.

Officers will be looking look for drivers speeding, failing to stop, neglecting pedestrian crosswalks, conducting improper turns or using hand-held devices while driving, it says.

They will also be watching for pedestrians who cross the street illegally or fail to yield to motorists who have right-of-way.

Bicyclists will be stopped for riding against traffic, riding at night without lights or not abiding by the same laws as motor vehicles.

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