Embattled Brockton Schools Superintendent Mike Thomas resigns: ‘I loved working for BPS’

BROCKTON — Mike Thomas, superintendent of Brockton Public Schools who has been on paid leave since August 2023 when the district’s bombshell budget deficit was announced, will resign as superintendent.

Thomas said in a Friday email to The Enterprise that he has “decided to resign as superintendent.” The resignation comes three days after the results of two investigations into the budget fiasco were made public.

“I can’t express how much I loved working for BPS over the past 30 years,” Thomas said in the email statement. “I want to thank all of the wonderful staff members, students, families and community partners I worked with during that time.”

What the investigations said?

The results of the two investigations, one commissioned by the city and the other by BPS, found that Thomas made various unsound business decisions while serving as superintendent that led to the district overrunning its budget for fiscal year 2023.

Thomas hired an unprecedented number of new teachers and mentors with no money in the budget to fund the positions, the city’s audit said. Thomas said that he expected to use incoming funds from the government to pay for the new staff members, but those funds never came in, according to investigators from audit firm RSM US.

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