Air conditioning is coming to some Missouri prisons. But it will take years and cost millions

Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center is one of a handful of Missouri prisons that is not fully air conditioned. Funding was approved to install air conditioning in 2023, but it will take years for the project to be completed (Meg Cunningham/The Beacon).

Missouri lawmakers took a step toward improving conditions in some Missouri prisons last year by setting aside millions to install air conditioning in one of the state’s 17 prisons. That cooler air is still a year and a half away.

That decision came as global temperatures broke summertime heat records . Prisoner rights advocates celebrated the state’s decision to install air conditioning at the Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center, one of Missouri’s intake correctional facilities.

The Department of Corrections estimates that they’ll be responsible for housing over 20,000 men and women throughout the course of 2024. Of those, up to 9,200 could live in prisons where there is partial or no access to air conditioning in housing units. And as Missouri closes out its third-hottest summer on record, the calls to fully air condition Missouri prisons grow louder.

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