E.E. Smith’s Toria Council is The Fayetteville Observer’s Student of the Week

Our readers have cast their ballots for the first Fayetteville Observer Student of the Week of the 2024-25 school year.

Congratulations to Toria Council, an E.E. Smith High School senior who took the top spot with 58% of the vote.

According to her nomination Toria, her school’s student body vice president, “is the epitome of Golden Bull Pride. She is in the top five of her graduating class; a member of the Magnificent Marching Machine’s Auxiliary; the National Honor Society; the Golden Stars Drama Club; and the CCS’s Evening of Dance. But, what sets her apart is her advocacy for natural hair. She utilized this platform to earn her Girl Scout Gold Award as she presented a panel discussion with members of the community last spring to discuss their hair journey. This young lady is a shining example of patience and perseverance as she lets nothing prevent her from speaking up and achieving her goals.”

Each week, local high schools nominate students for their outstanding academic and school achievements and community service. Readers will be able to cast their votes for The Fayetteville Observer Student of the Week between 5 a.m. Monday and noon Thursday every week during the traditional school year. We’ll announce each week’s winner at 5 a.m. Friday.

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