Somerset Park plan is set, but how much will it cost?

For weeks, you’ve heard the horror stories of massive leaks and sinkholes in the Somerset Park community of Henderson, but now a plan is in place to fix the mess.

Construction to replace the water distribution system at Somerset Park will start next week.

All residents got a letter from the City of Henderson on their doors Thursday night with details about the project.

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I asked Somerset Park condo owner Irene Montano how she feels about this letter and if she feels like it details the project enough.

“No, there’s no… it gives just the basic understanding of what’s going to happen and what to expect,” Montano said.

Montano has owned her condo at Somerset Park for a year. She plans to stay during construction.

“We’re going to ride it out and see where it takes us,” Montano said.

Here’s what we know about the plan

The letter states the construction starts next week: the week of September 16.

Monday and Tuesday night, September 16 and September 17, water will be off intermittently between 9 p.m. through 5 a.m.

Story continues