Carrying The Load: Volunteers Clean Veteran Headstones on 9/11 Anniversary

First, there was a moment of silence, followed by the sound of volunteers scrubbing headstones that marked veterans graves at the Richmond National Cemetery on the 23rd anniversary of 9/11.

Nonprofit organization Carry The Load partnered with the Veterans Association National Cemetery Administration for a day of service. Over 60 national cemeteries hosted cleanups and over 4,000 people participated, according to the organization. Veterans and eligible family members can be buried in national cemeteries.

Veteran Nathan Crocco served in the U.S. Army from 2008-2016, and is an ambassador of Carry The Load. This marked his fourth year organizing the annual event at the Richmond National Cemetery, located just east of the city of Richmond. “We host this day of service for those we can’t thank, we can only remember,” Crocco said. “Like the first responders of 9/11, many of those heroes gave their lives, and not for their freedom, but for ours.”

Volunteers used an environmentally friendly cleaning solution mixed with water to scrub clean the named and unnamed headstones. Roughly 40 volunteers worked in groups of two or three, though some cleaned alone, and some were on trash pickup duty. Drinks and snacks were provided to ensure no one got overheated.

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