Saturday letters: Affordable marina space; Hamas terrorism

Mandate affordable dock space

The Sunday Journal story “Mega Marinas” (News, Sept. 8) raises an interesting question.  How will Rhode Island keep a working waterfront so that the masses can enjoy the benefits of the fishery? Who will put calamari, swordfish, oysters and other marine delicacies on your table?

My father helped a friend build one of the now gentrified marinas mentioned in the article and my family and I along with countless others of modest means enjoyed the access provided by what many referred to as a “sand lot boatyard” or a “DIY marina.” I spent a large part of my youth on the bay and worked in the recreational marine industry at the beginning of my career.  I came to know many of the people that worked the bay and made a good living from one of our best natural resources.

I respectfully suggest to our legislature that if the number of affordable housing units in a Rhode Island community can be mandated, then so too can the amount of dock space available to commercial fishermen and aquaculture interests.  How about 10% of the available dock footage – not number of slips – be made affordable to and reserved for commercial interests?

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