CNY Inspirations: Our God is nonviolent

This feature is coordinated by The Post-Standard/ and InterFaith Works of CNY. Follow this theme and author posted Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. In 1956, Martin Luther King had what is called his “kitchen table experience.” In helping lead a city bus boycott in Montgomery after Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white person, he would receive 30-40 calls a day trying to force him to go back to Atlanta. One call at midnight was especially upsetting, telling him that if he did not leave they would blow his brains out and blow up his house with his wife and infant daughter inside. Not able to go back to sleep he prayed to God and shared his fear. Martin said, “I could hear an inner voice saying to me, ‘Martin, stand up for truth. Stand up for justice. I will be at your side.'”

Story continues