Photographing Butterflies: Don’t Let the Butterfly Flutter By!

A captivating sight for children and adults alike, I’ve never seen anyone who didn’t stop to watch a beautiful butterfly as it fluttered on by. So, in this short article I’ll share a few tips on photographing butterflies and how to capture truly awesome, wall-hanging shots of these gorgeous insects.


1/2000, f/10, ISO 2500, EXP +0.3, 600mmPhoto byTJ Waller Photography

Since butterflies do not mind human presence, the best way to get great photos of them is to invite them to your yard or balcony! I use the same plants that attract hummingbirds to bring in the butterflies. A simple Google search on “what flowers attracts butterflies” will help you in your search for the perfect flowers for your yard or balcony situation.

Here is a downloadable PDF of all the usual butterflies you’ll encounter in Florida and the flowers they like!


Photographing butterflies is actually relatively easy. Some are quick and quirky, but most just find a flower, light, feed, and move on to the next flower. You can even use your phone, but if you plan on printing your shots larger than an 8×10 or so, then you won’t be happy with the results. The small sensors on phone cameras don’t allow for larger prints. Point-and-shoot, DSLR, and mirrorless cameras, however, work great!

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