Texas Comptroller takes step to fight organized retail theft

Texas is experiencing a rise in organized retail theft, with local and international gangs targeting beauty products, electronics, and high-end toys, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar says.

Hegar said that criminal groups operate with a “shopping list,” stealing items to resell them, which leads to increased prices for consumers, financial losses for retailers, and reduced state sales tax revenue.

He also highlighted concerns about public safety, noting that these thefts are often linked to organized crime rather than individual acts of theft.

“A lot of these activities, they’re not just run of the mill theft, they’re literally organized crime,” he said. “We’re trying to find not just individuals stealing, but those that are higher level so we can put an end to it here in the state of Texas.”

In response to the growing problem, Hegar established a 10-member task force. This group is tasked with developing recommendations for the state legislature, which will reconvene in January. One potential recommendation could be to enhance penalties for those involved in organized retail theft.

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