When Wil was struggling with depression, a therapist said just the right thing

The following story includes references to suicide.

This story is part of the My Unsung Hero series, from the Hidden Brain team. It features stories of people whose kindness left a lasting impression on someone else.

In the fall of 2014, Wil Davenport was in a dark place. He had just lost a job he loved, and his mental health began to unravel.

“I just remember feeling such self-destructive thoughts about how I must have done something terrible to lose that job. I must be terrible to have lost that job,” Davenport said.

By the end of December, he had attempted to take his life, and he admitted himself to an inpatient mental health program.

“I remember for days, even weeks, not feeling like any progress was happening,” Davenport said. “So in between our therapy sessions and whatever else we were doing, I would walk laps inside this locked unit.”

One day, as he was doing his usual circuit around the facility, he noticed one of his therapists walking toward the community room. He thinks her name was Yvette.

Story continues