Hotels, apartments, second homes: Where do Indiana’s members of Congress live when in D.C.?

( INDIANA CAPITAL CHRONICLE ) — From Indiana to Washington, D.C., and back to Hoosierdom again, members of Indiana’s congressional delegation split time between their districts and the nation’s capital — more than 500 miles each time.

Hoosier representatives and senators all maintain homes in Indiana, and some additionally rent or own separate houses or apartments in D.C. Several of those with dual residences told the Indiana Capital Chronicle they chose to do so for their family’s sake, as well as to cut down on travel time and costs that mount up quickly from circling back and forth between cities.

It’s a common practice in Congress.

Many elected officials have famously shared apartments and houses. And for some members of Congress, an office on Capitol Hill becomes a home of sorts , doubling as an apartment while they live and work in D.C.

Opinions among constituents have long varied, with some arguing that representatives should set up bases in D.C. to focus on legislative work.

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