Local man says his Mustang was stolen before it could be restored

TULSA, Okla. — A local man who bought back his beloved Mustang Mach 1 more than 30 years after selling it before heading off to college said it was stolen before it could be restored.

FOX23 spoke with him about how he had hoped to take it for a drive down memory lane at his 50th high school reunion.

“A beautiful car we had lots of fun with it with my buddies running around,” Brent Bushyhead said.

Bushyhead said he has been in the Mustang business from a young age.

“I stumbled up on a ratty old Mustang for $750 and the motor was about to go,” Bushyhead said.

He said he could just see the car’s potential and bought it with graduation cash he made in the summer of 1976.

“I limped that thing home from Prattville down 244 and smoke just a boiling hardly could see anything behind me”

He said he sold the car in 1978 when he went off to college and 28 years passed before he saw it again.

“A guy up by Hallot Speedway had it and he did not want to sell it,” Bushyhead said.

So he patiently waited and ten years later, he got a call from the man’s family who said his home had burned and the Mustang was damaged too, but if Bushyhead still wanted it, his old car was up for sale.

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