‘Micro school’ proposed for downtown Smithfield

A proposed “micro school” looking to open in downtown Smithfield cleared its first hurdle on Sept. 10.

Smithfield’s Planning Commission, on that date, voted unanimously to favorably recommend that the Town Council grant a special use permit to Sarah Edwards, who has proposed turning a commercial building at the corner of Underwood Lane and Main Street into the permanent home of her tutoring business, Great Oaks Learning.

“Despite the term ‘micro school,’ this is not a private school by state standards; it is an educational and enrichment program that provides personalized education and social interaction for our children in our community whose complex needs are best met in a small group environment,” Edwards told commissioners.

Edwards said she spent 20 years teaching in Hampton Roads, 12 with Isle of Wight County Schools, before leaving public education three years ago.

Her submitted business plan states Great Oaks will offer classes in the morning for high school students and in the afternoon for grades 1-8 with no more than 10 students per class and a ratio of one adult per five students. Two of the four employees, including herself, hold current Virginia teaching licenses.

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