SW Florida high school roundup: First Baptist girls golf team wins invitational

A roundup of Southwest Florida high school sporting events for the week of Sept.16-21.

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Girls golf

Crutchfield Hawkins Invitational: The First Baptist girls team finished first in their flight (out of 8 teams) with a team score of 346. Eva Lye finished first in their flight with a 74 (+2).

CSN 153, Barron Collier 161: The Seahawks were led by senior Alayan Friedt, who scored 37, followed by freshman Isabella Michetti and senior Ava Sparacio, who both scored 38.

Boys golf

Crutchfield Hawkins Invitational: 2. CSN, 307; 3. Bishop Verot, 309; 4. Barron Collier, 309; 12. Estero, 327. CSN’s Jack Maurer, Barron Collier’s Isa Psota and Bishop Verot’s JC Iglecias all scored 73 to tie for fifth place.


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