There’s Still No Agreement on How Many Clevelanders Actually Live Downtown

Downtown Cleveland, Inc. slots the center city population at

a breezy 21,000

. Bedrock gloats its ”

more than 20,000 residents

.” Point2Homes says it’s a

paltry 8,052

.  And a CBRE advertisement for the old Taco Bell space on Public Square  notes “now with

over 15,000 residents in a one-mile radius


So, as this publication

asked with hands raised back in 2021

, what is the true, verifiable population of Downtown Cleveland?

Last week, for the first time in three years, the Center for Community Solutions, a think tank based in the AECOM Building, released a report detailing the headcount for every one of Cleveland’s 34 neighborhoods.

And the numbers once again were at loggerheads with those propagated by city boosters:

12,797 people live downtown, including 79 minors, 110 infants and 961 seniors.

Nine in ten rent. Most are white. Most make over $80,000 a year.

You don’t even have to bust out a calculator: CCS’ data is


different than what Downtown Cleveland, Inc. has in its 2023 recap report.

Story continues