Wisconsin’s roads, bridges, broadband earn a C+ grade, and that’s good? Well, yes and no.

Aided by a wave of federal funding but hampered by age, policy restrictions and other challenges, Wisconsin’s infrastructure earned a C-plus in the American Society of Civil Engineers’ 2024 state infrastructure report card.

State report cards are released by the group every four years, meaning the latest one accounts for both pandemic impacts and an injection of federal dollars for infrastructure needs. In 2020, the state earned a C .

The group assessed 17 types of infrastructure throughout Wisconsin, examining their capacity and conditions, how they’re funded, operated and maintained, their impact on public safety, and the degree to which they’re resilient and innovative. An A grade is defined as “exceptional;” an F grade is “failing.”

Ken Mika, co-chair of the committee that authored the report, said Wisconsin is one of just three states to receive a C-plus rating, currently the highest in the nation. That doesn’t necessarily mean Wisconsin’s infrastructure is at the top of the pack though, he said, because different states assess different numbers of infrastructure types.

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