Burger Comparison: Which In-N-Out Burger Comes With The Most Protein?

Eating protein post-workout is important.

But, we don’t always have time to prepare every meal.

Sometimes it’s easier to grab something on the go. Sometimes that something is fast food.

Fast food isn’t the healthiest option, but you could definitely find something with the protein you need.

Let’s take a look at the best protein options at In-N-Out

In-N-Out Burgers Protein Contents

You will need a burger if you’re looking for a protein-rich meal.

Here are the main options at In-N-Out with their protein contents.

  • Hamburger (16)
  • Cheeseburger (20)
  • Double-Double (34)

That’s just from the official menu. There is of course the not-so-secret menu as well.

  • 3×3 (52)
  • 4×4 (67)


The 3×3 and 4×4 are probably overkill. Nobody other than a serious bodybuilder needs 67 grams of protein in one meal. Plus, at 1050 calories, a 4×4 will probably undo any good you did at the gym that day.

That leaves the double-double and the cheeseburger as options.

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