Tucson Restaurant Fails Health Inspection, Placed on Probation

In general, a restaurant will receive one “standard frequency inspection” a year. Sometimes the inspection schedule can switch around, or other times the department will pivot to keep restaurants on their toes. This way, restaurants don’t become lax and instead focus on cleaning and sanitation only around inspection time. For one local Tucson restaurant, there were just seven months between standard frequency inspections. However, the results couldn’t have been more different, and after two additional inspections, the restaurant has both received a failing grade and been placed on probation. 

On January 16, 2024, Vero Amore at 2920 North Swan Road (Suite 114) was visited for the first time of the year. During the inspection, it did receive five violations, but in the end was given a “Good” inspection score. For Vero Amore’s sake, it is a good thing it is not located around Phoenix, as five violations would have automatically given it a D grade. 

Regardless, a second standard frequency inspection was performed in August 13. At this time, the violations increased to 7, and the restaurant received a “Needs Improvement” score. Such a score signals the health department will return to make sure the necessary improvements have been made. 

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