Aurora Venezuelan gang, landlord debate spills into Denver

The debate over how to handle Venezuelan gangs and problem landlords in Aurora spilled into Denver Monday.

Several people who addressed the Denver City Council during public comment period spoke about the gang issue. Moon Wittstruck said there are no gangs.

Peter Svaldi said he is a former tenant of CBZ Management property. That’s the property manager for a handful of Aurora apartment buildings where Venezuelan gangs have been reported. The larger problem, according to city officials, is the landlord. Svaldi agreed that the landlord is a problem but he said cities’ lax policies regarding rentals have allowed bad property owners to flourish.

“The events in Aurora are just the tip of the iceberg,” Svaldi said. “What have you been doing in the short term and what will you do in the long term so CBZ constituents don’t end up like the tenants in Aurora or like me?” Members of the dais don’t respond to comments made during public remarks, but Denver has a rental inspection program aimed at keeping properties in the city up to code.

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