FOX23 hears from 2 parents claiming DHS is lying about crimes against children in Oklahoma

TULSA, Okla. — FOX23 heard more from families claiming the Oklahoma Department of Human Services is lying about crimes against children in the state.

More than a dozen families, activists and attorneys are supporting state lawmakers pushing for an investigation into the department.

FOX23 heard from two of those parents who said DHS is doing more harm to families than good.

“Multiple Times,” said Darrell Dougherty when asked if DHS has lied to him.

“Oh absolutely, DHS knows there’s crimes against children,” said Mandy Reed, Oklahomans for Children’s Rights.

Two of the more than a dozen people who spoke before a state house committee on Monday said they’re calling for major change at DHS.

They claim DHS has not only ignored abuse claims, but also lied about them to families and law enforcement.

“For 5 years, DHS had lied about what my kid had said,” Dougherty said.

Dougherty said he’s sought justice for his child who was allegedly abused by their mother.

“I’ve been threatened by at least five different DHS workers,” said Dougherty. “The supervisor of this case called in a three-way call and they threatened me. If I didn’t stop advocating for my kid, they’d turn me in for a felony.”

Story continues