A survey firm asked pastors who they’ll vote for. Nearly a quarter wouldn’t say

The biggest surprise in a new survey on who Protestant pastors plan to vote for in the 2024 election isn’t the share of respondents who support former President Donald Trump or Vice President Kamala Harris .

The surprise is the share of pastors who wouldn’t say.

Nearly one-quarter of the surveyed faith leaders (23%) refused to answer the question about whom they’ll vote for, according to Lifeway Research’s survey report .

The group of refusers is much bigger today than it was during the past two elections.

In 2016, just 3% of surveyed pastors wouldn’t give an answer, and 4% wouldn’t in 2020. The figure is up to 23% in Lifeway Research’s latest survey.

“We ask pastors about many things going on in the culture today and they are willing to provide their opinion. However, the growing number of pastors unwilling to respond with their voting intentions shows how sensitive or divisive politics has become in some churches,” said Scott McConnell, executive director of Lifeway Research, in a press release .

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