Family of North Carolina murder victim outraged after her killer receives plea deal

FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) — The family of a Fayetteville murder victim is outraged after the killer is granted a plea deal.

In court on Tuesday, Dashawn McCullum pled guilty to killing his girlfriend, Maggie Fulmore. McCullum admitted to pulling the trigger, then dumping her body in a Fayetteville parking lot just after midnight on Halloween in 2021. Prosecutors said he killed Fulmore after an argument about money.

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Thretha Chance, Fulmore’s mother, believes the justice system failed her family. McCullum was set to stand trial next week, but the Cumberland County District Attorney’s Office reached a plea deal with McCullum that dropped his first-degree murder charge to second-degree murder. A Cumberland County judge approved the lesser charge, which gives McCullum a minimum of 25 years in prison instead of life.

“[The district attorney] never sat down with me or my family to discuss a plea deal,” Chance said. “In less than 25 years, he is going to be out on the streets to do it again.”

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